Better predict future scene segmentation having overlapping objects with psf-diffattn
Better predict future scene segmentation having overlapping objects with psf-diffattn
Joint Forecasting of Panoptic Segmentations with Difference Attention
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper
Forecasting of a representation is important for safe and effective autonomy.
For this, panoptic segmentations have been studied as a compelling representation in recent work.
However, recent state-of-the-art on panoptic segmentation forecasting suffers from two issues … first, individual object instances are treated independently … second, individual object instance forecasts are merged in a heuristic manner.
To address both issues … study a new panoptic segmentation forecasting model that jointly forecasts all object instances in a scene using a transformer model based on ‘difference attention.’
It further refines the predictions by taking depth estimates into account.
… attain state-of-the-art on panoptic segmentation forecasting metrics.
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