Detect all objects 21.3% better than SAM by expanding prompts for Grounding DINO with DiPEx


Detect all objects 21.3% better than SAM by expanding prompts for Grounding DINO with DiPEx

DiPEx: Dispersing Prompt Expansion for Class-Agnostic Object Detection
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

Class-agnostic object detection (OD) … investigate using vision-language models (VLMs) to enhance object detection via a self-supervised prompt learning strategy.

… propose a Dispersing Prompt Expansion (DiPEx) … expand a set of distinct, non-overlapping hyperspherical prompts to enhance recall rates

… DiPEx initiates the process by self-training generic parent prompts and selecting the one with the highest semantic uncertainty for further expansion … child prompts … inherit semantics from their parent prompts while capturing more fine-grained semantics.

… apply dispersion losses to ensure high inter-class discrepancy among child prompts while preserving semantic consistency between parent-child prompt pairs.

To prevent excessive growth of the prompt sets, … utilize the maximum angular coverage (MAC) of the semantic space as a criterion for early termination.

… DiPEx … achieving a 21.3% AP improvement over SAM …

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Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash



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A computer vision consultant in artificial intelligence and related hitech technologies 37+ years. Am innovator with 66+ patents and ready to help a firm's R&D.