Get 3D scene from one image by using the distances between points in a latent space with SQLdepth


Get 3D scene from one image by using the distances between points in a latent space with SQLdepth

SQLdepth: Generalizable Self-Supervised Fine-Structured Monocular Depth Estimation
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

… self-supervised monocular depth estimation has gained popularity with numerous applications in autonomous driving and robotics.

… introduce SQLdepth, a novel approach that can effectively learn fine-grained scene structures from motion.

… propose a novel Self Query Layer (SQL) to build a self-cost volume and infer depth from it, rather than inferring depth from feature maps.

The self-cost volume implicitly captures the intrinsic geometry of the scene within a single frame.

Each individual slice of the volume signifies the relative distances between points and objects within a latent space.

… Experimental results on KITTI and Cityscapes show that … method attains remarkable state-of-the-art performance … can surpass existing supervised methods by significant margins …

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Photo by Salomé Guruli on Unsplash



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