Segment images with SAM 48.9x faster by using EfficientViT with EfficientViT-SAM


Segment images with SAM 48.9x faster by using EfficientViT with EfficientViT-SAM

EfficientViT-SAM: Accelerated Segment Anything Model Without Accuracy Loss
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

… present EfficientViT-SAM, a new family of accelerated segment anything models.

… retain SAM’s lightweight prompt encoder and mask decoder while replacing the heavy image encoder with EfficientViT.

For the training, … begin with the knowledge distillation from the SAM-ViT-H image encoder to EfficientViT.

Subsequently, … conduct end-to-end training on the SA-1B dataset.

Benefiting from EfficientViT’s efficiency and capacity, EfficientViT-SAM delivers 48.9x measured TensorRT speedup on A100 GPU over SAM-ViT-H without sacrificing performance.

… code and pre-trained models are released …

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Photo by Jonathan Marchal on Unsplash



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A computer vision consultant in artificial intelligence and related hitech technologies 37+ years. Am innovator with 66+ patents and ready to help a firm's R&D.