Segment scene with SAM efficiently by change bimodal distribution to quantized normal with PTQ4SAM


Segment scene with SAM efficiently by change bimodal distribution to quantized normal with PTQ4SAM

PTQ4SAM: Post-Training Quantization for Segment Anything
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

Segment Anything Model (SAM) has … impressive performance … However … immense memory and computation costs hinder its practical deployment.

… propose a post-training quantization (PTQ) framework for Segment Anything Model, namely PTQ4SAM … investigate … bottleneck of SAM quantization attributed to the bimodal distribution in post-Key-Linear activations.

… analyze its characteristics from … per-tensor and per-channel perspectives, and propose a Bimodal Integration strategy, which utilizes a mathematically equivalent sign operation to transform the bimodal distribution into … easy-quantized normal distribution offline.

Second, SAM encompasses diverse attention mechanisms (i.e., self-attention and two-way cross-attention), resulting in substantial variations in the post-Softmax distributions.

Therefore, … introduce an Adaptive Granularity Quantization for Softmax through searching the optimal power-of-two base, which is hardware-friendly.

… results across … instance segmentation, semantic segmentation and object detection .. datasets and model variants show the superiority of PTQ4SAM …

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Photo by Egor Litvinov on Unsplash



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