Segment unknown scene with unsupervised learning using UNet diffusion features with DiffCut


Segment unknown scene with unsupervised learning using UNet diffusion features with DiffCut

Zero-Shot Image Segmentation via Recursive Normalized Cut on Diffusion Features
arXiv paper abstract
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Foundation models have emerged as powerful tools across various domains including language, vision, and multimodal tasks.

While prior works have addressed unsupervised image segmentation, they significantly lag behind supervised models.

… use a diffusion UNet encoder as … vision encoder and introduce DiffCut, an unsupervised zero-shot segmentation method that solely harnesses the output features from the final self-attention block.

… demonstrate that the utilization of these diffusion features in a graph based segmentation algorithm, significantly outperforms … state-of-the-art methods on zero-shot segmentation.

… leverage a recursive Normalized Cut algorithm that softly regulates the granularity of detected objects and produces … segmentation maps that … capture intricate image details.

… work highlights the remarkably accurate semantic knowledge embedded within diffusion UNet encoders that could then serve as foundation vision encoders for downstream tasks …

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Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash



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